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Kore Tohu Tohu Maramara matua Rāme Rom Wiki Uka USB Tōu Bosa dirver
1 Realtek RTL RTL9601d-VA3-CG 32mbyte / 256mbit 8mbyte / 64mbit / / 1catv / 1ge 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
2 Realtek RTL RTL9601d-VA3-CG 32mbyte / 256mbit 16mbyte / 128Mblit / 1Pots 1catv / 2.5g + 1ge 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
3 Realtek RTL RTL9602C-VA4-CG 64mbyte / 512Boubit 16mbyte / 128Mblit RTL8192FR-CG WIFI2.4 300MBPS 2 * 2 1Pots 1catv / 1ge + 1fe 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
4 Realtek RTL RTL9603C-VD5-CG 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT 128Mbyte / 1GBit RTL8192FR-CG WIFI2.4 300MBPS 2 * 2 1Pots 1catv 2.0 1ge + 3fe 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
5 Realtek RTL RTL9607C-VB6-CG 256MByte / 20488Mbit 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT AC 1200bspps: Rtl8192FR-CG (2.4g 300Mbps) + Rtl8812Fr-CG (5.8g 866MBPs) 1Pots 1catv / 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
6 Realtek RTL RTL9607C-VB6-CG 256MByte / 20488Mbit 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT AC 1200bspps: Rtl8192FR-CG (2.4g 300Mbps) + Rtl8812Fr-CG (5.8g 866MBPs) 1Pots 1catv 2.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
7 Realtek RTL RTL9607C-VB6-CG 256MByte / 20488Mbit 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT AX 1500MBPS: RTL8192BR-CG + RTL8832BR-CG 1Pots 1catv 2.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
8 Realtek RTL RTL9607C-VB6-CG 256MByte / 20488Mbit 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT AX 1500MBPS: RTL8192BR-CG + RTL8832BR-CG 2Pots 1catv 2.0 3.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
9 Realtek RTL RTL9607C-VB6-CG 256MByte / 20488Mbit 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT AX 1800MBPS: Rtl8192BR-CG + RTL8832BR-CG 2Pots 1catv 2.0 3.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
10 Realtek RTL RTL9607DQ-CG 4ogb 2x1g-bit AX 3000MBPS: RTL8192XBR-CG RTL8832CR-CG 2Pots 1catv 2.0 3.0 4ge + 2.5g 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
11 Realtek RTL RTL9617C-VW-CG 4ogb 2x1g-bit AX 3000MBPS: RTL8192XBR-CG RTL8832CR-CG 2Pots 1catv 2.0 3.0 4ge + 2.5g 10g seminch gn25l98-qfn-tr
12 Zte zx ZX279127B 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT MTK7603E 1Pots 1Pots / 1ge + 3fe 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
13 Zte zx ZX279128S 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT 256MByte / 20488Mbit AC 1200mbps:
1Pots 1catv 2.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
14 Zte zx ZX279128S 128Mbyte / 1024MBIT 256MByte / 20488Mbit AX 3000MBPS: MT7916A
2Pots 1catv 2.0 3.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l95-qfn-tr
15 Mtika En7526gt 512MB 256MByte / 20488Mbit AC 1200mbps:
1Pots / 2.0 4gege 1.25g semitech gn25l98-qfn-tr
16 Mtika En7525 256MByte / 20488Mbit 256MByte / 20488Mbit MT7592N WIFI2.4 300MBPS 2 * 2 1Pots / 2.0 1ge + 3fe 1.25g semitech en7570-qfn-tr
17 Mtika En7526fcu / fu 256MByte / 20488Mbit 256MByte / 20488Mbit MT7592N WIFI2.4 300MBPS 2 * 2 1Pots / 2.0 1ge + 3fe 1.25g semitech en7571-qfn-tr
18 Mtika En7520st 64mbyte / 512Boubit 8mbyte / 64mbit / / / / 1G 1.25g semitech ux3328s-qfn-tr

Te wa tuku: Jan-17-2025

Ohauru ki to maatau panui

Mo nga uiui mo o maatau hua, utu ranei, waiho to imeera ki a maatau ka pa ki a matou i roto i nga haora 24.